News from Mexico: The exhibition "Dialogues from Author to Author: Visual Intervention on a Misprinted Book" is currently being set up. It will take place at Lumiere Gallery during the first edition of the Margen Fest in the city of Toluca, Mexico. The exhibition features works by renowned Chilean artists and photographers, including Leonora Vicuña, María Clauss, Catalina Mena Ürmenyi, Tatiana Sardá, Catalina de la Cruz, Claudio Bertoni, Cristóbal Olivares, Nicolás Wormull, Camilo Yáñez, Sebastián Garrido, Javier Álvarez, and Tomás Quiroga. The curation is led by Anamaria Briede, director of Imagen Salvaje.

October 2023
I am pleased to participate once again in the Valparaiso International Photography Festival (FIFV 23). This year, I am part of a collaborative exhibition curated by Anamaria Briede of Imagen Salvaje. The exhibition features a unique collection of art books created through the transformation of flawed copies from the Valparaíso Collection by FIFV Ediciones. Notable artists contributing to this collaborative project include Leonora Vicuña, María Clauss, Catalina Mena Ürmenyi, Tatiana Sardá, Catalina de la Cruz, Claudio Bertoni, Cristóbal Olivares, Nicolás Wormull, Camilo Yáñez, Sebastián Garrido, and Javier Álvarez.

June 2023
I was invited by italian curator Caroline Corbetta to take part in her virtual gallery Il Crepaccio.

January 2023
Part of El Jaguar was selected to be part of the collective exhibition and catalogue PEP New Talents (Photographic Exploration Project) at the gallery 254 Forest in Brussels, Belgium.

March 2022
I was invited by the the italian cultural space Magnete to photograph Quartiere Adriano, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Milan. My work was later showcased at the BTTF multidisciplinary festival.

July 2022
Exhibition: “From History to Stories. A (tentative) tale of photography in Chile” is showcased in CCLM, Centro Cultural La Moneda, Santiago de Chile.

I was interviewed by SAPIENS Magazine regarding the global health crisis that we are going through.
︎︎︎Read here “NO FILTER”The uncertainties, worries and hopes of 6 freelance photographers around the world.

November 2019
Article About the exhibition “From History to Stories. A (tentative) tale of photography in Chile”. Diario La Estrella de Valparaiso, Chile.

November 2019
Exhibition: “From History to Stories. A (tentative) tale of photography in Chile” is showcased in the Baburizza Museum, Valparaíso, Chile.

October 2018
︎︎︎Publication: “From History to Stories. A (tentative) tale of photography in Chile”, catalogue in connection with the self-titled exhibition, Landskrona Festival, Sweden that brings together Chilean photographers such as Sergio Larraín, Leonora Vicuña, Julia Toro, Catalina Juger, Mauiricio Valenzuela, Marcelo Montecino, among others.Texts: Christian Caoujolle, Rodrigo
Gomez-Rovira, Catalina Mena, Samuel Salgado.
The book is available at the Landskrona festival bookstore.︎︎︎click here

Sete #16 was exhibited at FIFV, Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Valparaíso, Chile. The book as a result of the residency at ImagesSingulières festival was also launched.

May 2016:
Back in France. This time we are presenting the collective photobook Sète#16 and the exhibition at La Chapelle du Quartier Haut as a result of our residency at the ImagesSingulières Festival in Sète, France.
Articles and press releases related to this event (selected):
︎︎︎Article about the ImageSingulières photo festival and the main exhibition Sète#16 in L'ŒIL DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE.
︎︎︎Article about the ImageSingulières photo festival and the main exhibition Séte#16 in France 3 Languedoc-Roussillon.
︎︎︎April 18, 2016 Article about the ImageSingulières photo festival and the main exhibition Séte#16 in En Revenant de L´expo.

Foto: ©Cooperativa
November 2015
Part of the work created during the residency at the Images Singulières Festival in Sète, France, is exhibited at the Valparaiso Cultural Park as part of the FIFV 2016.
Press release: https://cooperativa.cl/noticias/cultura/arte/fotografia/continuan-las-actividades-en-el-festival-internacional-de-fotografia-de/2015-11-01/101816.html

May 2015
I am currently in the city of Sète, located in the south of France, where I am participating in the ImagesSingulières Photography Festival. Along with Chilean photographers Cristóbal Olivares, Paula Lopez-Droguett, and Nicolás Wormull, I have been invited by the festival's artistic director, Gilles Favier, to participate in the festival's annual residency program. Additionally, our work is being showcased alongside the work of Chilean editor and photographer Rodrigo Gómez-Rovira. Our aim is to work in the city and create a collective photobook and new exhibition, which will be presented at the festival next year.
Articles and press releases related to this event (selected):
︎︎︎May 22/28, 2015 Internazionale Nº1103. Portfolio. Text by Cristian Cujoulle.
︎︎︎May 11, 2015 L`OBS
︎︎︎May 2015 Article about the festival . L´Oleil de la Photographie.

January 2015
Some press reviews about my new book Apátrida.
-Las Últimas Noticias
-El Mercurio de Valparaíso

October 2014
Group Exhibition at FIFV, Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Valparaíso, Chile

My new book Apatrida finally is here!!
The book is available at the Ediciones La Visita virtual bookstore.︎︎︎click here

My work Apátrida was the winner of Equipajes Perdidos a call by Ediciones la Visita, Chile, to be part of the collection "Rectangulo en el ojo".︎ The editing of the photobook will be in charge of the editor Miguel Angel Felipe.

Publication: My work "Apátrida" was published in exc! #2 magazine.