Tomás Quiroga is a photographer based in Italy. His work is influenced by his personal experience: born in London, raised in Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Spain. Since finishing his Master's degree in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism at EFTI in Madrid, and obtaining a Diploma in Personal Creative Projects from the University Miguel Hernández de Elche, he works independently as a photographer and is also involved in teaching photography. In 2014, he published his first photobook "Apátrida" through Ediciones La Visita, where he also participates as an editor for other authors. Since 2015, he has been represented by the Italian agency LUZagency. In May 2015, he was invited to participate as a resident artist in the ImagesSinguliéres Photography Festival in Sete, France, where he published the book Sete#16. His work has been showcased and published in several Latin American and European countries.

2024 Group exhibition: “Diálogos de Autor a Autor”, Margen Fest, Toluca, Mexico.
2023 Group exhibition "¿Cuál es el borde de tu mirada?" FIFV 23, Valparaiso, Chile.
2023 Group exhibiton “PEP New Talents” 254 Forest, Brusseles, Belgium.
2022 Solo exhibition "Adriano", BTTF Magnete, Milan, Italy.
2021 Group exhibition "Desde la historia a historias", CCPLM, Santiago de Chile.
2019 Group exhibition "Desde la historia a historias", Museo Baburizza, Valparaíso, Chile.
2016 Group exhibition "Sete#16" at Image Singulières Photo Festival, Sète, France.
2015 Group exhibition at International Festival of Photography of Valparaiso (FIFV), Chile.
2015 Group exhibition at Image Singulières Photo Festival, Sète, France.
2014 Group exhibition at International Festival of Photography of Valparaiso (FIFV), Chile.
2013 Group exhibition PhotoEspaña, Madrid, Spain.
2012 Solo exhibition “Io Sono Figlio”, Valencia, Spain.
2011 Group exhibition “20 avenue”, Madrid, Spain.
2010 Solo exhibition “Urbano”, Madrid, Spain.


Tomás Quiroga, Paula Lopez-Dorguett, Crisóbal Olivares & Nicolás Wormull
Published with: Le Bec en L´Air Èditions
Coedition: CètàVOIR/ FIFV Ediciones

Published with Ediciones La Visita
December 2014


2022 PEP New talents, Belgium.
2013 Equipajes Perdidos, Ediciones La Visita, Chile.


︎ @_tomasquiroga_ 
︎+39 3341957205
Brescia, Italy